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Living Foods Classes

In every Living Foods class you will get to sample a variety of ferments, learn about the incredible benefits and get either a demonstration of the process or a hands on experience where you make your own. All classes are 2hrs and are held in my home. 

If you are interested in hosting a class in your home click here.


Sourdough Bread

Learn about real sourdough bread and how to make a loaf.



Learn about fermentation, the benefits, the process and make a jar to take home.

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Learn about kefir, the benefits of it, the process of making it and sample some.



Learn about kombucha, the benefits, the process of making it and taste a variety of ferments.


Meat Stock/Bone Broth

Learn all about meat stock and how to make it.

Living Medicine Classes

Living Medicine includes a variety of methods, tools and resources, all of which promote whole health and full life in us. One of those tools is homeopathy. Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that works with the body to bring about balance. It uses a variety of substances to address a wide range of conditions. Learn how homeopathy and other living medicines can help you treat common ailments that you and your loved ones experience.

These are available in person and via Zoom.

Click here to see all available classes

Anatomy Drawing

Cell Salts

The building blocks for all cells, this simple list of 12 homeopathically prepared medicines can be used to treat a wide range of ailments.

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Pregnancy & Homeopathy

Learn how homeopathy can be used throughout pregnancy, during labor and delivery and postpartum for mom and baby. 

Living Word

I believe we were all made on purpose with a purpose, to bring glory to God and make Him known. We were designed to do this in a variety of amazing ways. My goal in these classes is to help others recognize who they are in Christ and the freedom He came to give us so that they can reach the full potential they were made for. Not only do these studies teach us about Him but they draw us close to Him, and give us confidence to believe that He is who He says He is and we are who He says we are. And by believing that we will in turn experience the whole health and full life He came to give us.

Click here to see available studies

Woman with Bible

 A Virtuous Woman

Take a fresh look at this lofty passage. Explore what these verses teach us about God and discover that you are a virtuous woman.


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